Town of Mansfield Official Records
Dublin Core
Town of Mansfield Official Records
Town of Mansfield
A collection of items pertaining to the history of laws, ordinances, and other aspects of town governance
Town of Mansfield, CT
Collection Items
Town Charter and Town Ordinances Town of Mansfield
Note from unknown source that records are revised through 1988
Historic Resources Survey of Mansfield Volume 1 (78-1 through 78-159) conducted in 1978
Volume 1 of 2
Historic Resources Survey of Mansfield Volume 2 (78-169 through 78-331B) conducted in 1978
Volume 2 of 2
The Original Charter of Mansfield, Connecticut (1702)
Copy of 1702 text and two newspaper-sized copies of proposed 1970 text
Town of Mansfield, Proprietors Records 1702-1730
Microfilmed version of earlier printed records
Proposed Plan for Realignment and Sightline Improvements of Route 32 as Presented to the Mansfield Town Council
Transcript of Public Hearing
Aerial Maps, Assessor
A set of 38 aerial maps covering the Town of Mansfield with a map index
Annual Reports
Complete collection of all Annual Reports of the Town since 1867. Some are bound others individual.
Charter Revision Commissions
Minutes, correspondence, and draft reports of the three Charter Revision Commissions
Committee Reports, Ad Hoc
A collection of reports completed for the Town covering a wide variety of topics.
Community Development Action Plan (CDAP)
Materials from the CDAP process the Town undertook in the 1970's. CDAP was a multi year town wide planning process covering economics, education, housing, land use, social services, town government, transportation and utilities.
Historic District Commission- Cert of Appropriateness
Files of approved changes allowed in the historic districts
Kirby Mill
Information on the Kirby Mill including study committee recommendations, structural and feasibility reuse study, etc.2 boxes