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  • Tags: Mansfield Public Library

Includes identified photos, list of Friends of the Garden, Newspaper article about stone work

First copy signed by John S. Laney, 1913; Second copy includes some newspaper clippings (seemingly unrelated) from the 1950s; Third copy includes list of accessions, persons checking out material

Possibly c. 1980s, when Randy Flaum worked for Norwich Bulletin

Mostly minutes from Library Board meetings during the 1970s;

Handwritten notes include the Constitution of the Library Association. Also discusses events.

Two volumes. First includes 1951-1964. Second volume includes 1965-1973.

Bookplate commemorating Elsie G. Marsh, the first librarian at the Mansfield Public Library. The bookplate includes the dates of Marsh's service, 1919-1962.

Dimock Family, Houses in Gurleyville School District, History of Mansfield Library, Eaton Farm Newsletter and Menu
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